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pic to addLaw of contracts

Claims for compensation due to the breach of contract, injustice or unjustified gain

Claims for annulment of contracts

- Law of leasing:

Agreement of leasing, simple or professional

Claims for return of rent, common expenses and leasehold

- Compensation due to car accidents:

Claims for damage –  compensation for moral damage and physical injury

pic to addLaw of property

Claims for the protection of real rights

Title research

Buying and selling of immovable property


Handling of property for  Greek citizens who live abroad and for Foreign citizens owners of property in Greece

pic to addFamily Law

Divorce procedures  -  support and attendance of children - communication with their parents

Insult of paternity


Judicial assistance


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Testimony - Insult of testimony

Claims for division of inheritance




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Ηπείρου νέα Έβρου Λαρίσης Χίου Αποκόρωνος Δοξάτο Ιερά Πόλη Μεσολογγίου κορυδαλλός Μύκη Πόρος Σκιάθος Χανιά
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